Spain’s Expulsion Of The Jews 1492

Introduction In 1492, a pivotal event in the history of Spain occurred – the expulsion of the Jews. This infamous episode, driven by religious intolerance and political motivations, left an indelible mark on the country’s cultural and social fabric. This article will cover Spain’s Jewish history, the Spanish Inquisition, Christian Reconquista, The Edict Of Expulsion,Continue reading “Spain’s Expulsion Of The Jews 1492”

Spain: Birthplace of Flamenco

Introduction This article is meant to be a brief introduction to the country of Spain. We will cover Spain’s history, landscape, monarchy, Spanish culture, and coinage. Spain’s Founding & History Spain has a rich and complex history, and its founding is no exception. The Iberian Peninsula, where modern-day Spain is situated, has been inhabited sinceContinue reading “Spain: Birthplace of Flamenco”